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The bag shown is approximately 7.5inches wide and 6 inches deep. Every bag is unique. All of our bags are made from Elk, Bufflao, or Deer or a combination of the three. All of these leathers are considered sacred amoung the tribes through out the Americas. All are one of a kind and handcrafted with the idea of sending healing, prosperity and growth to the potentital owner. These bags can be made to order in any specified size, however, with costs varing dependent on size, and leather ordered. Beads are all natural wood or glass beads. Athentic and natural.  To hold your sacred items, or for something special order your possibility bag. The pear shaped bags are approx 3.5 inches at the top, and 5 inches deep; the U-shaped bags are approx 5.5 at top and 6 inches deep.

Belt Possibilities/Medicine Bags

SKU: 0002
PriceFrom $55.00
Excluding Sales Tax
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